Winning the lottery will change your life, but it also adds a complexity to your finances that few people ever dream of. You can meet the challenge of planning for your future—and your family's future—by learning about these few estate planning tax elements for large winners.
Gift Tax. Few ordinary wage earners ever have to deal with the federal gift tax. That's because, while all gifts with a financial value are subject to gift taxes, there is an exemption for the first $15,000.
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The commercial banking industry can be a profitable one if you know what you are doing and are skilled at investing in it at the same time. However, there are many regulations to track, ones that you and your commercial banking lawyer need to fully understand before you spend any time putting your money in the commercial banking industry.
Regulations Can Put Pressure On The Industry
If you have investigated the commercial banking industry as a possible investment, you have probably heard of the increased regulations put on it several years ago.
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Tax season is something that many Americans dread every year. Preparing your tax return can be time consuming and even stressful at times. However, it doesn't have to be. There are plenty of things that you can do to make filing your taxes a little easier. This is true for both freelancers and those who are in permanent positions. Freelancers now make up 34 percent of the US workforce. Whether you are a full time freelancer or part time, you will have to keep a few things in mind when filing your taxes.
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When you are planning for your retirement, you will want to take into consideration worst case scenarios. Market volatility can lead to you not having enough money to cover your basic expenses. To make sure that you do not run out of money and are forced to return to work, move out of the home you love or substantially lower your standard of living, you will need a retirement strategy for an uncertain future.
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