How To Pay For Bail

When you get arrested, you are often allowed to leave before your trial. In some cases, you don't even need to pay bail, but if you do, it can get expensive. Check out these three common ways you can pay for bail.


Cash, of course, is the easiest way to pay your bail. You may be able to pay the bail yourself if the courts allow it, and if you have enough money. In some cases, however, you need someone to bail you out. This person takes responsivity for you and agrees to ensure you will show up to your court hearing. If this is the case, you'll need enough money and someone who can bail you out. The money does not need to belong to the person bailing you out. It can still be your money. When you show up for your hearing, the money will be refunded minus any fees.


A lot of people don't have enough cash on hand or even in the bank to pay their bail. However, if you have collateral, such as a house, car, boat, etc., the court may allow you to put up the collateral in exchange for bail. If the item is small, like an expensive piece of jewelry, you may have to give it to the court to keep until your trial. They won't, however, take your home prior to the hearing. However, if you do not show up to your hearing, the items are seized. As long as you show up (even if you are ultimately found guilty), you get to keep your collateral.

Bail Bond Loan

Another option is to take out a loan with a bail bondsman. A bail bond is also known as a surety bond, and it is like most other loans. You need to repay the loan and interest. However, the difference is that as long as you show up to court, the bail bondsman gets their money back. You may still owe some interest and fees to the bail bondsman. If you don't show up, they will send someone to find you and take you to court so that they can get their money back.

Getting arrested is stressful, but luckily, there are many ways you can pay for bail. If you would like more information regarding bail bond policies, contact a bail bondsman like Bail Bond BY Affordable Bonding to have all your questions answered. 
